sexual healing

October 2nd, 2001

So I dont usually talk about class, because frankly, when i’m not in class i dont like to think about it. But I just want to say something about my tibetan culture class. We talked about medicine and the process of conception today. sex ed tibetan style involves a lot of wind, fire, bile and phlegm. My favorite line was something like “a womans desire for a man during the time of menstruation is evident through facial ugliness (ie. flaccidity)” so you think we want men when we are fat and ugly? Not likely my dear. but gave me something to smile at.

also S.H.I.T. my staff development organization is alive and well. yes folks, i have created a legacy. The queen of S.H.I.T., i am.

also got this interesting interview about dawsons creek. wont linke right now. am too busy caring for my angelface. ciao!

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