Archive for August, 2005

Now With Increased Hipness

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2005

We took a brief respite from our breakneck programming, testing, selling, supporting and writing to party doon at A Very Hip Software Company yesterday. It was an amazing day, but now I’m sad because I think I’ve peaked. I’m pretty suspicious that I just had the Best. Work Day. Ever. And I fear that like […]

No Woah

Sunday, August 21st, 2005

Q. Why, pray tell, is my 7lb kitten on a restricted portion diet?
A. Because left to his own stealth-like, food filching devices he does things like this:

It is Mommy’s great fear that if she doesn’t do a better job of hiding the kibble, she’ll find him one day, bloated, purple, dead on the toilet […]


Friday, August 19th, 2005

So, I was at the natural pet food store the other day purchasing a high quality, human-grade (but reasonably priced) bag of cat food when I came across this supplement used by dog breeders. It’s called Concept-a-Bitch and contains progesterone-rich wild yams to facilitate a healthy pregnancy.
And I wasn’t surprised by this product. I’ve […]


Thursday, August 18th, 2005

If you haven’t figured this out yet, I’m a hippy who is obsessed with my two furry children, Bella Donna Bad Girl and Stinky Sphynxy.

Because I love my babes (and have an affinity for all things organic), I spend a lot of time at the natural pet food store. You’ll remember a few weeks […]

Hallelujah and Pass the Porn

Wednesday, August 17th, 2005

Does anyone else find it pee-your-pants funny that Gdub has his panties all in a knot about ICAAN’s proposed .xxx domain?
Call me crazy, but I like the idea of porn being banished to its own dirty little corner of the Net. Maybe I’m alone on this one, but it seriously irks me when I’m surfing […]