Greeks and Geeks
September 14th, 2002Last night I attended my second ever Jew party. H䮮ihouse readers will probably remember last spring when Smug Ellie and I, on a whim, decided to play lesbian at one of their parties. There was no touchy-feely stuff - Smug and I just did what we always do: call each other ‘lover’ and ‘dumpling’, while chatting on the patio.
Apparently, our scandalous legacy has not been forgotten. Well, I guess good things don’t always have to come to an end.
Last night I learned so much! Who says parties and mischief can’t be educational? Last night I heard my first ever Star Wars gangsta rap. The song had a repeating loop with an angry blackman projecting into a gritty mic: “I am your faaather,” “I am your faather.” How great/nerdy is that?
And here I deviate from the talk about geeks and greeks, because I am reminded of a very special rap song I learned as a youngun. When we were little Mom used to take us to Shalom Christian Bookstore, and allow us kids to pick out any tape we want. (Yeah, this was in the age of dinosaurs - before you had things like CDs.) Anyway, my 10 year-old-self selected the tape in the shiny orange wrapper called “O. T. Raps.”
And I still remember the chorus with fondness: OT raps, just doin’ those OT raps. OT raps, Old Testament Raps.
And now back to Star Wars … Last night I also learned that there is Star Wars techno - but that figures. Techno is nerdy. I’m sorry SORM - I know you love it. But I just can’t get into that obscure, repition of electronic screeching. Give me a good rock song with a hard-ass chorus anyday - or at least a gangsta rap about Ewoks and the Force.
Finally, I was pleased to see Larry in a new light. Last night I saw Larry “who let the jew out” Leventhall, not merely as my computer-programming friend, but as a frat brother. In loyalty to his AEPI peeps, he traded in his wrinkled cargo shorts and faded t-shirt for something very hip.
Lare broke out something far cooler than I have ever seen him wear. Laste night he wore cargo pants and a shirt that read “Mountain Jew”, mocking the Mountain Dew logo. The back of his shirt read: “Do the jew.” Mad props for bringing the crazyness, Lare.
And now, as I am sitting in my underwear with a towel on my head, dear H䮮ihouse readers, I must bid you adieu. Adieu, Adieu to you and you and you…