Good Eatin’

September 12th, 2005

Extra, extra read all about it: Gdub finally takes some action in New Orleans!

Gdub says: I caught this with just some cheesy puffs and a beer can tab!

On a more serious note, victims of hurricane katrina, we are praying for you. Dear hannihaus readers, if you haven’t done so yet, please consider helping out our brother and sisters in Louisiana and Mississippi by sending some greenbacks their way. I’ll make it easy for you. Just click a link!

Red Cross
Salvation Army
Save The Children

Til next, adieu!

2 Haus Calls for “Good Eatin’”

  1. maggie Says:

    hi hanni, thanks for visiting! love the pinkness at the haus.

  2. Hänni Says:

    awww shucks. We love pink too. Thanks!

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