Old Age

September 22nd, 2002

As I am now a distinguished Senior with many years of collegiate wisdom under my belt, I feel I must reflect. Today I went through some old papers seeing if i could filch information for this stupid case study project I’m doing. Well I didn’t have much to recycle, but I did happen upon something that made me giggle.

This little excerpt was from a letter asking permission to write a proposal. Can you beleive I had to ask permission to write a freakin’ proposal? Professors gotta quit breakin my balls. Heh.

Dear Professor Norris,
The obesity epidemic in the United States has reached frightening proportions with damning consequences…

And I’m like, did i really say ‘damning consequences?’ I’m sorry, but that’s the cheese right there. I think i wrote this around the same time i received an essay from my friend justin in new york. At that time justin was taking some english class where he had to write a five page paper on thirty seconds of his life.

I don’t remember the details, but i do remember it had to do with alcohol, doorways and the F- word. I remember I was so enamored with the fact that you could say F- in a college essay and it was okay. ~ the teacher wouldn’t even comment on the appropriateness.

So that’s probably why i put the “damning” in there, as lame as that sounds. I mean, I’m not one to throw the F around. And that’s why it’s hilarious. I am the queenbean of drama.

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