Our House, in the Middle of the Street

January 25th, 2002

Hurrah! The apartment hunt has begun, and I think we’ve got a winner folks! So, I’ve been hastling angelface about getting an apartment since November. After much roommate juggling, Larry “who let the jew out” Leve has decided he’ll room with angelface. This is nice, because angelface and Larry are already friends, and both have a common mistress ruling their lives: ie. the computer. The electricity bill is going to be horrendous for the terrible twosome, because, between them, they own six computers - and no, I am not exaggerating.

I used to criticize angelface for his obsession with the more electronic sex, but i figure he can have worse hobbies. Worse hobbies include, but are not limited to: squirrel hunting, crack smoking, sex with stuffed animals, sex with animals in general, and collecting empty beer cans. Here are some

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