so you think you’re smug too?

September 22nd, 2001

highly doubtful. i think i am at the height of smugness. undeniably smug. SICKENINGLY smug. and here’s why. yesterday as i conversed with the love of my life, affectionately known as “wills,” he mentioned that his mailbox had not been checked in quite some time. he then (sneaky fellow) asked me how often i checked my own mailbox. thinking this was a slightly bizarre question, i said that like most normal people, i check it everyday. damn bills constantly pouring in, you see. if i was a literary genius (i am not) i would have realized immediately that this was obviously foreshadowing of sorts. ho HO! short hours later a small package arrived for me–courtesy of wills. enclosed was the chronic 2001 CD. i was floored, as i had mentioned a grand total of ONCE in the past that i liked that particular CD. admittedly, i do not have the outward appearance of being a huge rap fan. however, i rather enjoy it. upon further inspection of the package, i discovered an accompanying letter. this was no ordinary “hi, how are ya?” type of letter. no no. this was an exceptionally long handwritten LOVE letter. more beautiful words were never written (is true) and NO, you may not read it. is all mine. i will continue to read it nearly to pieces and be incredibly smug about it.

britain’s wills has nothing on mine…

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