Archive for the 'The Truth' Category

The Truth

Friday, January 27th, 2006

I’d like you to think I’m wearing a sassy, pink armband today because I’m kind of a Punk Rawk Princess, (and gurls like me wear that kind of stuff). But the truth is, Nike Pink –she is a makeshift pressure cuff. You see, dear hannihaus readers, I’m no Sporty Spice and I’ve got the boo-boo […]

The Truth

Friday, November 4th, 2005

If you met me today, you’d probably think “Wow, she’s fun and remarkably well adjusted”, but the truth is I spent many of my teen years in a panic. I was worried because I was *gasp* a virgin (hi maaa), at a time when lots of my peers weren’t.
Now, every time I hear a […]

The Truth

Friday, October 14th, 2005

When you were standing beside the road glaring and pointing a radar gun at me, I was pointing something at you too. It wasn’t a gun though. It was my middle finger. I was hiding it beneath the dash, because the truth is, that while I have enough balls to flip […]

The Truth

Monday, August 29th, 2005

I always say I have no cash, and ask “will you take a card,” knowing that you won’t. The truth is, while I’m sitting in the parking lot, preparing for my entrance, I take all my greenbacks and put them in the change purse. That way, when I open my wallet to get my library […]

The Truth Unveiled

Wednesday, August 24th, 2005

With all my talk of secrets, I thought it only fair to come clean to you dear hannihaus readers. No, I’m not ready to reveal The Secret (it really is coming), but I am going to announce a new segment of this site called The Truth. The Truth will be my confessional, a place to […]